I am an NSF Astronomy & Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellow and a Lecturer in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at Dartmouth College.

My research spans the fields of cosmochemistry, isotope geochemistry, and geochronology.

Metorites are relics from the dawn of our solar system and offer a glimpse into the primordial processes that formed the Sun and planets. I use computational and laboratory methods to reconstruct solar system history from the meteorite record. I aim to contextualize our solar system among other exoplanetary systems.

Latest celestial: My preprint on giant planet migration got featured on Astrobites!

Ice Sheets have intermittently covered the landmasses of the northern hemisphere over the last several million years. I study subglacial systems with isotope geochemistry and U-series geochronology to better understand the behavior and life cycles of glaciers and ice sheets.

Latest glacial: Paper on Laurentide Ice Sheet groundwaters & ice streaming

I am committed to accessible and engaging education, within and beyond classrooms. Museums provide unique opportunities for immersive and dynamic educational experiences. To learn more about my work with museums, check out my Outreach page.

I received my PhD in 2021 from the University of California Santa Cruz, where I worked in the Blackburn Lab. In my dissertation, I used isotope geochemistry and geochronology to explore:

  1. the interplay between glaciers and their environments
  2. the timescales and processes of planetary assembly in the early solar system
  3. billion-year timescales of middle crustal cooling and reheating